Monday, September 28, 2009

Most recent organic sales and volume figures: July 2009

Because almost everywhere, it has been reported incorrectly, and because the truth is actually far better for organics than what was actually reported, here is the most recent info on organic food sales in Ireland:

The volume of organic sales increased by 13.2% from 60,167 tonnes in July 2008 to 68,095 tonnes in July 2009
The value of organic sales increased by 19% - (a combination of increased prices and consumption) to reach �124 million in the year to July 2009, compared to �104 million in the year to July 2008.

Source: Bord Bia Sept 24th 2009

(Most reports seem to have conflated the two figures, as if 13.2% is the value increase).

However, a 19% value increase, in a deepening recession, is astounding. is it that people are more focused on real quality? Or is it that the producers are improving their offerings?

Whatever the cause, these figures speak for themselves.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The taste of Childhood: Moonshine's creamy organic milk

There is a moment in the 2007 children's movie Ratatouille, where the becloaked, draculesque food critic has his heart of stone broken.

All movie long, Anton Ego destroyed the culinary world of Paris with his scathing reviews. He was the poster boy for fear, his picture plastered onto the walls of every restaurant's kitchen in the French capital as a warning to staff.

All the while, he was juxtaposed against a more affable chef, Auguste Gusteau, who loved basic food and encouraged everyone to cook.

And yet, all was changed, changed utterly one day. Anton Ego, having managed to downgrade the public image and star rating of Gusteau's restaurant, had an eating experience there that changed his life.

He tasted simple, honest, pure food that reminded him of his childhood � in this case the peasant dish Ratatouille.

The sun shone and his pupils dilated as he tripped back in time to a memory of a moment: Anton Ego in short pants, eating Ratatouille in his mother's countryside kitchen. His attitude to life improved remarkably from that point on.

That taste of childhood does something intangible to people. Sometimes food actually was better in the past � often grown in the backgarden, or from the mixed farm holding. Local, seasonal and fairly organic, as a discerning modern foodie would desire.

Sometimes of course it wasn't better at all. Remember smash, packet soup, processed cheese and spam?

However the human mind seems to have the ability to hone in on the best of the flavours of the past when it re-encounters them

A re-encountering moment also happened at the judging of the National Organic Awards 2009.

A very simple, honest, pure food that reminded people of their childhood won the top overall prize. This product, Moonshine organic dairy's non homogenised 2 litre milk, just stood out.

I was on the judging panel myself, and it was clear from early on that this milk was going to do well.

Hand on heart, I wasn't necessarily looking forward to drinking a milk that came from a plastic bottle: I find the plastic flavour often overrides all the others.

Well, with this milk, the overriding flavour was of childhood and of creaminess. I noticed that some of the other judges went back for more, and that even people who did not necessarily like or drink milk anymore tried it and loved it too.

There were shortlists, then there was a shortened shortlist. But in the end, the flavour of the milk really brought it to the fore.

Foodies and traditionalists alike now finally have their non homogenised milk What's more Moonshine's organic milk is quite affordable: 1.50 for 1 litre, and 2.39 for the 2 litre container.

And considering the research and development, marketing and branding budgets available to some of the the bigger names in the organic industry, the Moonshine dairy farm achievements are all the more remarkable.

Their story of Mary and Gerry Kelly's Moonshine organic dairy is a positive one for the farming community.

Through two diversifications, the 80 acre Westmeath farm has moved from struggle to success.

They converted to organic in 2000: �We�ve two young lads here, and both of them love to farm. But I couldn�t see a way for them to make a living off it, without doing something. So I thought about it long and hard, but when I did go organic, everything fell into place� according to Gerry Kelly.

He goes on: �The British Friesians were a great help to go organic, because they needed lower inputs. Then, as time went on, I changed to Ayrshire. They�ve a lower yield, but the quality and flavour of the milk is much better�.

The couple started making their own fresh cheese and yogurt drinks. More recently, they have started making an Emmental cheese and supplying this fabulous milk.

Now, the whole family is employed in farming, making and distributing their products. They supply local shops, have a stall at the Mullingar farmers' markets and Dublin Food Co-op, and have a farm shop.

And, as you can imagine, I highly recommend tasting their milk.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Keep Nanotechnology Out of Organic!

A major reason why consumers shop for products that are certified organic is to avoid hazardous and unlabeled genetically engineered organisms, toxic chemicals, and now the most recent, and likely most dangerous hi-tech poison of them all, nanotechnology.

Nanotechnology is now a multi-billion dollar Frankenstein monster industry churning out a vast menu of untested and unlabeled products containing tiny nanoparticles including non-organic vitamin supplements, food packaging, processed food, cosmetics, and sunscreens.

The United States Department of Agriculture's National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) has been debating an official ban on nanotechnology in organic. When it meets November 3 - 5, 2009 in Washington, D.C., the NOSB will consider a recommendation supported by the organic community that would "prohibit nanotechnology in organic production, processing, and packaging."

Mounting scientific evidence indicates that nanomaterials produce dangerous "free radicals" which can destroy or mutate DNA and can cause damage to the liver and kidneys. And, everyday, new evidence of the dangers of nanotechnology emerges.

Tell the USDA that you want the National Organic Standards Board to take a strong stand against the use of nanotechnology in organic. Please act before the October 19 deadline by clicking here.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

well written links

I always drop into these three, as I like what and how they write.

I have to say that George Monbiot's site is always an interesting read. However the article about toxic dumping is revelatory. Especially in relation to Somalia.

The link entitled make wealth history is also always worth checking out.

Marion Nestle is that perfect combination of nutritionist and power-aware realist.

Importantly, these blogs/sites seem to be updated regularly, while also being thought provoking.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Organic Farming Scheme to remain suspended until 1st January

revor Sargent TD, Minister for Food and Horticulture at the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food today announced the outcome of the review of the Organic Farming Scheme, under which support is paid to farmers in the sector.
"It is my intention, subject to the outcome of the estimates process, to re-open the Organic Farming Scheme from 1 January, 2010 with revised scheme conditions. The amount of funding available for the Organic Farming Scheme will be determined later in the year when the Government are preparing the estimates for 2010", said Minister Sargent.

for more, including the new terms and conditions for farmers and growers considering converting to organic, see here

Thursday, September 17, 2009

French study finds organic is in fact more nutritious

The French Agency for Food Safety (AFSSA) has found that organic food is superior nutritionally, in research published in the Journal Agronomy for Sustainable Development.

This contrasts with the UK Food Standards Agency (FSA) report, lead authored by Alan Dangor of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

The UK FSA report concluded that there was no significant nutritional differences between organic and conventional foods.

However the French study, authored by Denis Lairon, found key differences between organic and conventional foods.

According to the French study, organic plant products contain more dry matter and minerals, specifically Iron and Magnesium, and contain more anti-oxidant micronutrients such as phenols and salicylic acid. Organic animal products contain more polyunsaturated fatty acids.

The report also found that organic vegetables contain far less nitrates. 80% of human exposure to nitrates comes from vegetables. Nitrates, which convert to nitrites, are linked to gastric cancer, circulatory problems and respiratory conditions such as asthma.

Significantly, the French research also examined pesticide residues, whereas the UK FSA research did not consider this area. Lairon found that 94-100% of organic food has no pesticide residues.

The UK FSA research only considered research with an abstract (i.e. academic summary) written in English. This makes the French research all the more significant, as it is based on a comprehensive 2003 report written in French, as well as more recent findings.

The French study is here

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Bord Bia National Organic Awards 2009

The Overall winner this year is Moon Shine farm's organic milk.

This new retail product, which comes from Gerry and Mary Kelly's Westmeath farm, is a non homogenised milk, which retails for E2.39 for 2 litres.

It also won the best local product.

Well done to the Kelly's - they were up against some stiff and well financed companies, so thier acheivements are all the more spectacular.

(The Kelly's farm, right)


Best Organic Retail Product
Organic Greek Style Natural Yoghurt,

Best Organic Export Product
St Tola Goats Log,
Inagh Farmhouse Cheese

Best Organic New Product:
Organic Gluten Free Real Wholegrain Bread Mix,
Sowan's Organic Bread mix

Best Organic Sustainable Product:
Happy Heart Oil Rapeseed Oil,
Drumeen Farm

Best Organic Local Product:
Moon Shine Farmhouse Milk,
Moon Shine Organic Farm

Save Water & Build Habitats

Save Water & Build Habitats
Tuesday September 22, 6 p.m.
San Diego, Balboa Park, Casa del Prado, Room 101

6 p.m. "Ask the Experts": Sit down, one on one, with a native plant expert for ten minutes and discuss ideas for your shopping list for our upcoming annual California Native plant sale on Saturday October 17th. Reservations are not required but you are encouraged to RSVP to so we have an idea of how many are coming.

7 p.m. "Mystery Plants Identified": Bring your unknown plant and a representative from the San Diego Natural History Museum will help you learn to identify it.

7: 30 p.m. Speaker Presentation by Mike Evans, from Tree of Life Nursery, Learn about plants you can buy at the California Native Plant sale on October 17th. Many agencies and municipalities are introducing strict measures to conserve water, especially for landscape irrigation. We are told many ornamental plants will "work" to save water; and call them "California Friendly." The plants that will use less irrigation water and also attract wildlife species are California natives. Discussion will include why native plantings are the "friendliest" of the California Friendly" plants, and the crucial need before us to enhance and build wildlife habitat within the human environment.

Monday, September 14, 2009

National Organic week: prices, publications and perfect products

National Organic week is upon us!

Organic food is super cheap in many retailers this week, so its a great opportunity to see what's out there - I was in LIDL this morning, and it seems they have about 60% off the price of their organic food.

Also, the National Organic Awards are being announced later on today, as is the new Organic farming scheme - busy busy busy...

And finally...guess what? The French Food Safety agency has just brought out a report which concludes that organic is healthier....I wonder will the same ppl who shouted from the rooftops about the UK FSA report give equal space to the French equivalent?

Rant over, enjoy the week!

Friday, September 11, 2009

National Organic Week 2009

National Organic Week is almost upon us. While it is aimed more at the consumer than the producer, some of those hosting Teagasc organic farm walks also do events during National Organic Week. An example is Castlefarm in Kildare on the 19th September.

National Organic Week will include the National Organic Awards, as well as events in at least 18 counties. There are an array on display for the week, from cookery demos and meet the producer events to walks, talks and tastings.

Two quirky farmers market events include: organic pig on a spit in Carlow farmers market (19th September) and the organic food quiz in Mahon Point's farmers market (ongoing).

Simply Organic, the organic fresh fruit and vegetable distributors, are hosting what will surely be a thought provoking series: a schools organic food forum in various Wicklow Schools.

There are also a range of events orgnaised by the Organic Centre in Leitrim, incorporating community gardening, their women's horticulture group and cross border events.

As autumn approaches and then arrives, there really is no excuse not to get out there and get interacting with your local organic community.

For full details, click here

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

La Mesa Enivro Festival

Environmental Awareness Festival

September 12, 10 a.m. � 2 p.m.

Harry Griffen Park, La Mesa

Join folks from La Mesa at this fun and informative Environmental Awareness Festival and get information and resources on water conservation, energy efficiency, recycling, composting, solar cooking, storm drain runoff, pest control, urban trees, green jobs, xeriscape gardening and more! There will be activities for all ages, including the
County Office of Education's Splash Science Mobile Lab, and a series of speakers and free give-aways throughout the day. Bring your lunch, picnic in the park!

E-waste and recycling collection hosted by Cactus Recycling will be accepting all recyclables including electronics, metal, plastics # 1-7, bags, blister packaging, six-pack rings, bubble wrap, plastic film, and formed Styrofoam (no tape or labels please).

Workshops will cover topics including: Rain Water Harvesting; How to Plant a Tree and Why You Should followed by a Tree Walk in the Park with Robin Rivet, ISA Certified Arborist; How to Make Your Own Backyard Compost; Gardening is for the Birds, Bees and Butterflies presented by Connie Beck, National Wildlife Federation; Solar Energy for Residential Applications.

Harry Griffen Park is located in La Mesa at 9550 Milden Street. For more information visit